Monday, November 16, 2015

Side Dish that you'll be beggin' for more!

Ever just have one of those "go to" sides you want to make every night, but don't want your significant other to think you can't cook?  First off, I can cook; I learned it from my momma!  I enjoy cooking.  I love finding new recipes to try or even just wing it when I can't think of anything and actually pull off a pretty yummy dinner.  This side dish is by far our "go to" in the McMartin household.  Trust me, I've asked Mr. Man if he is getting sick of it yet, and he hasn't; so hats off to the chef, they say!  

When you have a picky eater in your family, it can be quite hard to figure out what different ways you can get those veggies in.  Trust me, there are more veggies out there than just corn!  Reason why I say this, is I've had a time trying to figure out what veggies Mr. Man will eat and won't eat.  He USED to despise asparagus, now he loves it; again, hats off to the chef ;-)

This is a very easy side dish to where you can modify it to you and your families needs and wants.  I first started off with just asparagus, then over time I would add different veggies and potatoes to see what was good, what was bad, and how it worked with everything together.  Not only are we not eating just corn anymore, but I get to play with this dish and change it up a little every time yet, still have the same delicious taste it has always had!  

Again, you can modify, take away, add, make it healthier, make it less healthy; whatever you want to do with this dish.  It's easy to change it up, because the baking time and ingredients don't change; just the veggies.

Are you curious?  Just keep on scrolling!

*There is no name for this amazing dish, just make it and you won't regret it*

Your ingredients:
Gold and Red little Potatoes
Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Parmesan Cheese
*All of these ingredients can be bought at your local grocery store.

Step One: Preheat your oven to 425 degrees

Steph Two: You'll want a whole thing of asparagus.  Again, you don't have to use the whole thing, but you'll regret not making the whole thing.  Lightly rinse off the asparagus and pat dry.  Cut all ends off the asparagus and set aside. 

Step Three:  It doesn't matter how many potatoes you use.  You don't need any if you don't want them at all!  Remember you can add and take away anything!  Take 5+ little red and gold potatoes and since them and pat dry.  After you have dried them, cut the potatoes into halves or fourths, depending on how small you want them.  After that is done, set them aside. 

Step Four:  Once you have cut all your veggies, place them on a baking pan.  I use a dark baking pan, but any would do just fine.  After everything is laid out evenly, drizzle olive oil onto your dish.  Don't drench it!  Just enough so you won't burn anything.  Take your sea salt and sprinkle that onto your veggies.  You know how much sea salt you like, so go with what you like.  You can always add more later if need be.  Lastly, combine everything by tossing all veggies with the sea salt and olive oil  on the baking pan.
Step Five:  Pop your baking pan into the oven for about 20-30 minutes.  This all is based on how you like your vegetables.  If you like them a little more softer, then you'll want them in there from 20-25 minutes.  If you like them with a little crunch (I swear it's better this way) then you'll want to leave it in there from 25-30 minutes.  Every 5-10 minutes, you are going to want to keep turning your goodies so nothing sticks to the pan.  

Step Six:  After the timer has buzzed, take your dish of amazingness out and sprinkle your parmesan cheese on it.  You can go in with a light hand or if you're a cheese lover; well, you do you.  Do one last toss and you're done!  

This image below, I added some carrots to the dish.  Sometimes I add peppers, sometimes I just do the asparagus.  Like I said, it can easily be modified to what you like and what you want!  If I can get Mr. Man hooked on something other than corn, then I know you can, too!

I hope you enjoyed this just as much as I do!  It's very easy and will make you be beggin' for seconds!

As always, from me to you, it's just a little Grace.

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